The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger
I chose to read Audrey Niffenegger's book The Time Traveler's Wife because I had seenthemovie and I really wanted to see how the book was because books are much more descriptive. I have not read any of her olther graphic novels or novels, but once I saw it on the list, I knew that was the book I really wanted to read.
Audrey Niffenegger
I chose to read Audrey Niffenegger's book The Time Traveler's Wife because I had seenthemovie and I really wanted to see how the book was because books are much more descriptive. I have not read any of her olther graphic novels or novels, but once I saw it on the list, I knew that was the book I really wanted to read.

Audrey Niffenegger has a whole bunch of different genres that she works with. She had a gallery of art work on top of being a novel writer and a graphic novel writer too. She is very artistic and can tell stories in many different forms whether it is a painting, graphic novel, or an actual novel. The Time Traveler's Wife was actually suppose to be a graphic novel until there was too much information to be shared so Niffenegger decided that she would take the route of a novel instead.
Niffenegger's book was based in Chicago. Which is also where she spent her life. She uses live historical or random things in Chicago to build the lives of Clare, Henry, Gomez and many more of the characters that surround the Chicago streets. (Literary Newsmakers For Students Volume 2 pg. 347).
Themes that Niffenegger has demonstrated in The Time Traveler's Wife are made very clear. Love conqures all, and the definition between right and wrong are a few of the main big themes that Niffenegger has showed in this book. Love conqures is shown through the lives of the two main characters Clare and Henry. They're always in one another's hearts because the majority of the time gravity pulls them away. It shows through many obstacles that their love grows stronger and they are able to bond together to be stronger than ever. Defining right and wrong is very diffrerent in this book because some things that normal people would think are wrong in reality in the book were reasonable. For instance when Henry is showing his daughter Alba survival skills for when she has time traveled, for her to be able to pick a lock to survive. That is something that we would consider wrong, but in the book in the situation it was right. (Literary Newsmakers For Students Volume 2 pg. 345)

Critical Article's
* Flanagan, Mark. Literary Newsmakers For Students. Vol. 02. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2006. Print.
* Lee, Michelle. Literary Newsmakers For Students. Vol. 02. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2006. Print.
* Merritt, Stephanie. Literary Newsmakers For Students. Vol. 02. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2006. Print.
* Hacht, Anne Marie. Literary Newsmakers for Students. Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Newsmaking Novels, Nonfiction, and Poetry. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2006. Print.